Again an attept to understand girls and Sheela (my coleague) says : Good that you are making an attempt to understand girls. Yes Sheela, the more I understand girls, the less you can fool me. ;-)
Ok now these are few of the categories you can find girls as. I would also try and give you some examples from some Hollywood or Bollywood movies or real life some figure, so that you can understand the character.
Cute Girls
The girl in this category is not cute but tries to act cute. Only kids of surdars are cute. :-) Girls can never be cute. They can be pretty and can be sexy, never cute. I repeate again, they try to act cute. This category is one of the funniest type of girls. Whatever you say the answer would be "Wow you are so cute, you are so nice, you are my darling" Now the guy will be very confused to understand, what did I say that was so nice and so cute?? The girl will be happy that she has confused the guy.
Most of the times you can see her in pink clothes. Britney Spears in her early years, thats one of my closest examples of cute girls.
Macho Girls
Oh these girls think guys exist but we are better. They generally wear shirts without sleeves and go to gyming and showoff their muscles. I consider Madona to be a macho girl. They get into lot of running and making tummy flat. They try buring fat as much as they can. Listen to techno music. You can find them having belly button pierced and also a tatto on the body is quite a possibility.
Abnormal Girls
They cry at the drop of a hat. "You didn't call me, boo hoo hoo. You didn't messgae, boo hoo hoo." They laugh at the wor-sht-est joke you have ever said. "You would be like, why is she laughing so much?" She loves her dog more than you. She watches all the Tele Serials starting from K. Watch all the movies that are released on Friday before Sunday.
They would not do anything normal like work or have fun or talk sense. If they see some celebrity it will be story of the century for them. (Sayesha this is not targetted at you. You have shown us your autograph book and we know you have a hobby of collecting autographs of people like Nikhil Chopra. :-) )
Chipkoo Girls
Oh this category is very good for the first two days, from the third day guys will start running away from them. They call from their own cellphone on your cell phone and say, Bolo kaun bol raha hai?? You would be like, "Is she dumb or she is acting dumb??"
If it is your birthday she will be the first to wish you (and you have prayed yesterday evening in the mandir that she doesnt call you) and she will ask you for treat. And mind it that she will bug you to the core till you don't giv her the treat. You would not like to introduce her to any of your friends because she is so dumb that your friends might pull your leg all your life for having such a girl pal.
"I dont consider you human enough to talk to me" Girls
One word for such girls, ATTITUDE. Ok you call her, her mom talk to you and says she will be online just now, she says "Kaajal, its Rahul's phone," she come to the phone and says "Who is this??" you feel like killing yourself. She will make you feel miserable if you are sitting among her friends. You are good for nothing in front of her. Her broken walkman is of more worth to her than you. All you can do is send her a msg on every fetival and she might reply "same to you"
You remember Sharon Stone in the movie Basic Instinct??? Ok she looked sexy also but she considers everyone to be "shit"!!!
"Shouting in the Ear" Girls
Oh they just shout. They cant talk normally. They shout on top of their voice and you have to listen to them. Whatever be the topic they make you listen to them. Lets consider you and she to be in a group and if you say a word, lets say Iraq, this girl will shout and make everyone listen to them. On example is Mata Banerjee. Politican and shouts at everything. She is good for nothing. Ok, tell me one thing she is good at other than barking.
"Oh my god" Girls
He He He He... These are the funniest type of girls. You say "Check out the shot played by Rahul Dravid it is so perfect", the shrill voice shouts, "Oh Rahul he is soooo perfect... Oh my gawd he is so nice, he is so handsome."
You say "check out this scene where Amitabh Bachchan talks to Shahi Kapoor," the shrill voice shouts, "Oh my gawd check out the color of the walls and the color of the sofa they are so nice, they are so matching". You get a heart attack and wish you were never born.
Gossip Makers - Girls
"You know, the girl Kaajal and the guy Rahul were caught smooching on the road." General topic of discusion is either looking into someone else's life or bitching about somone. "You know Kajal is a bitch, she ditched Rahul and is now hooked to Rohit" Rahul is happy that he is alone. Kaajal is happy because Rohit is better than Rahul. Rohit is happy because Kaajal is great company. But no, the biggest problem is, "how dare she never asked me before she left Rahul and got hooked to Rohit". They are kind of jobless good for nothing girls. Basically, like Lalita Pawar or Nadira.
Normal Girls
The polpulation of normal girls is the highest between the age group of 20 to 40. Would help you when in need and would give you some gyan when asked for. They are matured and can handle difficult sitations and obviously handle you with care and affection when needed. They have dreams and aspirations. They respect your space and want equal space from you. And yes they are allergic to bullshit!!! Few of the normal girls I know on the blogging sphere are Priya and Sayesha.
Again an attempt to understand them.